HomeEnvironment & Ecology - UPSC E- Books
Environment & Ecology - UPSC E- Books
Environment & Ecology - UPSC E- Books

Environment & Ecology - UPSC E- Books

Product Description

This comprehensive book on Environment and Ecology is specifically designed for candidates preparing for the UPSC and state PCS exams.

It covers all the important topics related to environment and ecology, including biodiversity, climate change, conservation, pollution control, sustainable development, and environmental policies.

The book provides a detailed analysis of the concepts, issues, and challenges in the field of environment and ecology, along with relevant examples and case studies.

It also includes practice questions and answers to help candidates test their knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills.

With its well-structured content and easy-to-understand language, this book is an essential resource for aspirants aiming to excel in the environmental science section of the UPSC and state PCS exams.


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