HomeIndian Economy - E- Books
Indian Economy - E- Books
Indian Economy - E- Books

Indian Economy - E- Books

Product Description

Indian Economy (GS) for IAS Prelims and Mains is a comprehensive book that covers all aspects of the Indian economy required for the IAS exam preparation.

This book is a valuable resource for both the Prelims and Mains examinations as it provides in-depth coverage of various economic concepts, policies, and issues that are relevant for the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) exam.

It covers topics such as economic development, planning, national income, poverty, unemployment, inflation, fiscal policies, monetary policies, banking, agriculture, industry, trade, and more.

The content is supported by relevant examples, case studies, data, and graphs to facilitate better understanding. With its comprehensive coverage and well-structured format.

It is authored by experts in the field, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information on the Indian economy. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced candidate, this book is an essential companion for your IAS exam preparation.


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