HomeWorld History - E- Books
World History - E- Books
World History - E- Books

World History - E- Books

Product Description

The 'World History: Handbook for UPSC Mains' is a comprehensive guide designed specifically for UPSC aspirants to master the subject of world history.

This handbook is tailored to cover all the essential topics of world history that are important from the UPSC examination perspective.

It includes in-depth information on various historical events, civilizations, empires, revolutions, and key figures that have shaped the world we live in today. Written by experienced subject matter experts, this handbook provides concise yet detailed explanations, making it easier for students to grasp complex historical concepts. It also includes maps, diagrams, and timelines to aid in better comprehension.

With its organized structure and comprehensive content, this handbook is a must-have study material for UPSC Mains aspirants aiming to achieve success in the world history section of the examination.


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